I'll be in amiskwacîwâskahikan next week as part of an exchange with the University of Alberta's Department of English and Film Studies. It's been ages since I've been to Edmonton so please do come say hello if you're in town! I'm so looking forward to reading with their Writer-in-Residence, Bänoo Zan. I'm guest lecturing for Marilyn Dumont's poetry class today as a teaser, too - what an honour! Find more information about our event next week through this link. If you're planning to attend in person, please scent-reduce and wear a mask. For those of you who would prefer to attend online, we're recording this event for later; I'll have more details on how you can access it soon. Huge thanks to Jessica Leeper and Thomas Wharton for all their work putting this visit together.
If you're a Canadian citizen or resident (and especially if you're a cis gay person like me) I hope you'll join me in taking some meaningful and concrete action this week by signing House of Commons petition e-4268. This petition calls upon the House to "extend to transgender and nonbinary people the right to claim asylum in Canada by reason of eliminationist laws in their home countries," and specifically names the criminalization of gender-affirming health care in the United States and revisions to the Equality Act in the United Kingdom. It's open for signatures until May 26, 2023, and can be found here.
I can only imagine the increase in demand for services from organizations like Trans Lifeline right now. If you're not able to sign petitions because of the impact of borders on your life and personhood, but maybe have a little bit of extra money to share right now, they might be one place you could consider donating. And if your #IWD2023 feed was disappointingly terfy or swerfy, glorified women's suffering, or was otherwise a letdown: here's a poem. And all my love. |
May 2024